Star Wars sith concept. she's based on the days of the old republic where there were legions of siths battling the jedi order who where the defenders of the republic. She's an amphibious species; so I based her on poisonous dart frog, who are beautiful and exotic but extremely dangerous to touch.
Star Wars sith concept. Also based in the days of the old republic. This reptilian species is extremely barbaric, and like predator, collect there victims bone like trophies. So in this design, like a trophy, he's wearing a human skull in the middle of his chest plate, and because wookie species are their number one enemy, he's wearing their skull and teeth on his shoulder pad, and a wookie pelt as a cape.
Illustration done in Photoshop.
This Star Wars Concept takes place right before the battle of Yavin. I wanted this character to have scifi-western feel like the original trilogy. also I took the idea from Kurosawa where in his movies he based his characters on animals, so I based her on a feline.
This Star Wars Concept takes place right before the battle of Yavin. I wanted this character to have scifi-western feel like the original trilogy. also I took the idea from Kurosawa where in his movies he based his characters on animals; so like Kurosawa's Yojimbo, I based him on a mangy mutt.
This was an illustration I was inspired to do after reading Star Wars: Darth Bane Rule of Two. In this book it depicted Darth Zannah as a sith who was also gifted in witch craft. She's able to kill and drive her victims insane by manifesting their worst nightmares come to life.